Sunday, 20 March 2016

A Memory....

With a new year comes yet another time as family and friends to realize that, someone we greatly loved and was an inspiration to everyone she met, is sadly no longer with us.
However, as a collective we didn't want to write something that undervalues her energy and spirit as at heart she will always be with us, so this is a celebration, a celebration of what she was, is, will be.
Mysti Galiardi otherwise known as MystiGal .

This is someone who loved what she did, and didn't let anything (even her illness in later years) get in the way of doing what she wanted to do and having fun. For those who didn't know her, originally she used to write battle raps (on text forums) and for a while stopped all together, fortunately she enlisted the help of certain people and started producing Hip Hop beats ultimately.
So to showcase that decision, here are some of the songs she has created over the years and was very proud of.

Apart from the aspect of making the music, she took time out of her busy schedule, work, hospital visits, treatment and spending time with loved ones, and put a lot of hard work into making THIS very Blog. MystiMeanerHipHopCollective (MMHHC)
With the help of some others who were very close to her heart, we will be adding new content to this blog and keeping it alive, as for us, she is still very much alive in our hearts and it would be a shame to see this outlet to showcase musical talent go to waste.

Also, we (Family) would like to take this time to name a few names who have been nothing but helpful to us through this time, and made a big impression on Mysti while she was still with us (Sorry i may not know everyones music aliases so first names will have to do), so from us we want to thank:-
Dominic & his family for everything they have done for us up until now and what they are planning for the future, Michael, Carl, Samuel, Eddie, Matt, Seleta, Elizabeth, Paige, Andros, Tom, Andrew and many many more, thank you all.

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